Looking for a career? Want to change your career?
Not sure what you want to do?
Hands-on career exploration at your SE WI Job Center
Try out the new Transfr virtual reality simulations....
Many categories to choose from:
Architech & Construction
Health Science
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Correction & Security
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Come try a session today at your SE WI Job Centers:
Please call to make an appointment:
Walworth Co. - 262-741-5270 - 400 County Road H, Elkhorn, WI
Racine Co. - (262) 638-6765 - 1717 Taylor Ave., Racine WI
Kenosha Co. - (262) 332-3607 - 8600 Sheridan Rd, Kenosha, WI

SE WI Works was proud to be a part of another successful Interactive Day in the Trades with Build My Future SE WI on October 9th & 10th 2024, located at the Racine County Fairgrounds, Union Grove!
During this two-day event, public, private, and home schools in the tri-county area were encouraged to participate in a wide variety of demonstrations, exhibits and hands-on activities like our Transfr Career Exploration virtual reality simulations.
Students experienced educational displays, equipment operations and learning labs in areas such as: carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete, roofing, flooring, welding, masonry, heating and air conditioning, heavy equipment, and much more.
The Transfr Career Exploration HANDS-ON SIMULATIONS showcase different career paths that allow students and job seekers to understand their career options, experience what it’s like to work in different careers, and ultimately get on a path to a well-paying job.
The interactive VR simulations for the two day event included: re-build a communication tower, drill an underground system, demolish an overpass, & restore power to a neighborhood.
VR is your opportunity to Explore your Career Path and WIOA Can Help You!
Try a simulation today! Call and make an appointment at the SE WI Job Centers:
Walworth Co. - 262-741-5270 - 400 County Road H, Elkhorn, WI
Racine Co. - (262) 638-6765 - 1717 Taylor Ave., Racine WI
Kenosha Co. - (262) 332-3607 - 8600 Sheridan Rd, Kenosha, WI
THANK YOU to Build My Future SE WI, Lakeland Builders Association, Racine Kenosha Builders Association, the Sponsors, Exhibitors, Students, and all who attended.
