Southeastern Works

The Resource Rooms within the Racine County Workforce Development Center, the Kenosha County Job Center and the Walworth County Job Center are equipped with computers for Internet job search (search Job Center of Wisconsin to find hundreds of job openings in our region) and resume development, as well as copiers, telephones, and fax machines at no cost for your job search related use. Best of all, friendly staff is available to assist you every step of the way.
We also provide a variety of resource materials to assist you in finding employment, in addition to information on industries that are hiring, interviewing tips, resume, cover letter assistance, and more. Training institutions and community service resource information also available.
We look forward to helping you with JCW registration, UI claims filing, and job search activities.

Dedicated to helping you succeed!
The Southeastern Workforce Development Board provides services to employers and job seekers in the following counties: Walworth, Racine & Kenosha.
Walworth County
Job Center
400 County Rd H, Elkhorn, WI
(262) 741-5180
Open 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, M-F
Racine County
Workforce Development Center
1717 Taylor Ave., Racine, WI
(262) 638-6312
Open 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, M-F
Kenosha County
Job Center
8600 Sheridan Rd., Kenosha, WI
(262) 697-4500
Open 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, M-F
Have you recently been let go, laid off, or had your hours reduced at work?
Are you leaving a declining industry?
People across the nation have experienced job loss due to circumstances outside of their control.
We're here to help!
Click on the following links below for FREE ACCESS to resources & get you on your way!

Employee Information
If you are looking for employment please click here to view current job openings.
If you would like to learn more about our services. Please visit our Career Seekers page or fill out this form to be contacted by a member or our team. Click on Get Started.....
Employer Information
If you are an employer looking for COVID-19 Business Resources please click here.
If you would like a business services representative to contact you please fill out the form below.